Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Isn't this great news?

Here are the results of the petition No Dogs for LaPorte. Thanks to Angel Lacylulu her Mom, Asta and her Mommi for posting links to this petition.
Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Dear Dianne,

You signed the petition, No Dogs for LaPorte! Sauvons Les Petits!, on Dec 17, 2007. The petition received 14666 signatures. The petition author, Daniella Slon, has now closed the petition and posted the results:Message from the petition author, Daniella Slon:
---------------------------------Thank you so much for signing the petition "No Dogs for LaPorte! Sauvons Les Petits!"Good news! Today, May 6, 2008 - final judgement was given at the courthouse in St. Jerome. To read or hear the French reports click here:http://lcn.canoe. ca/lcn/infos/ faitsdivers/ archives/ 2008/05/20080506 -104720.htmlORhttp://lcn.canoe. ca/cgi-bin/ player/video. cgi?file= /lcn/actualite/ faits_divers/ 20080506_ joel.wmv

Laporte got $1,000 for each count & 200 hours community service. Plus, three years probation during which he is not allowed to own a dog. After that, he will be monitored so that he will not start breeding again.Best of All! The red collar dogs are safe. He will not get the dogs back & if he even tries to contact the foster families, he will be arrested.

ALL the media were there. Keep checking Canadian press for updates.Thank you for your support - Merci Beaucoup! The petition really made a difference. Hopefully it will impact Canadian Law so that we see an end to cruelty and puppy mills.Best,Daniella Slon and Axel Wire Fox

Care2's PetitionSite hosts thousands of petitions created by individuals and organizations. Keep making a difference by taking more action:


Maya and Kena said...

OMD! This is GREAT news!! Thank you fur sharing! It's good to know that cruel human got what they deserved!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Dandy Duke said...

We got this same email this morning! We're happy to hear that he got what he had coming to him!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Deetz said...

That is fantastic news!!!!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Hershey and Kaci!
Great news! But I was thinking that he should not be allowed to have dogs forever!
Kisses and hugs

Asta said...

Hershey and Kaci
I left a comment, but I think the pootew ate it..I'm so happy about this wesult!!!
WE did it!!! A gweat big thank you goes to Axel's Mom who got us all going fow this cause
smoochie kisses

Deetz said...

Happy Stuffy Appreciation DAy. Hope you all are doing wonderfully.