We are so sad today. Mama, Kaci and I just found out that Rocky has been sick and now his Mama is going away for the weekend. If that is not bad enough, we can't go to Myrna's wedding. Please go visit Rocky and help make him feel better.
XXOOXXOO Hershey and Kaci (his girlfriends)
The happy news is that Rocky is feeling better. And his mom won't be gone too long.
But how come he gets to go to the wedding and you don't?
Pleez don't be sad..thewe will be many mowe poppowtoonities to come on adventoowes wif us. Rocky is doing bettew and maybe you can go and keep him company. We will toast to youw happiness and good health while we'we at the wedding
smoochie kisses
we're sorry that you have to miss the wedding. Asta is going to post lots and lots of photos on her blog.
we will go check on Rocky now.
Hi, Hershey and Kaci!
I went to visit Rocky and thankfully he is feeling better.
His mom is going to visit her sister but he will be with his Dad! I hope Rocky helps him wit the cooking!
Have a great weekend
Kisses and hugs
I'm happy Rokhky said he's feeling better!
I'm sure once gets bakhk from the wedding he and his dad will have fun!
I hope woo two have a grrrrreat weekend!
Hi girls,
I just went ot Rocky's blog and seems like he's doing better already! I am sure he'd be 100% fine if you go over and send him some kisses. :)
Hershey says THANK YOU for your wonderful barkday wishes...
Rocky seems to be doing much better, guys! Have you visited Asta's blog? She has lots of pictures of the wedding of the year!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Girls!
I hope Rocky is feeling all good soon!!
w00fs me girlies, me sureee misseded u...one of these days u will has to come to a pawty wiff me...mama iz finally back now..me misseded her too..
b safe,
Thanks for dropping by our blog. We noticed your note in our Straight Off the Wire Box and thought we'd drop in and see you. We hope by the time you are reading this, you aren't so sad and that Rocky is feeling better. We'll go check on him now.
Wirey best wishes,
Jake and Fergi
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