We are some sad pups today. Mama just found out that Bailey my Grandma's 14 year old golden retriever had to be put to sleep the other day. My older sister is definitely earning her wings this month.
We also found out that the dog Mama was trying to adopt last summer passed away from cancer over the weekend. But we are so grateful that he found a forever home even if it was for six months.
Here is a picture of Bailey taken at Christmas last year:

Here is the link to Geoffrey's dogster page:
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
We are sorry fur your loss -
Please pass along some hugz&khysses from us!
A lot of sadness at once. We are sad for all who loved both dogs.
Awe..It is so very hard on us all when someone goes to the bridge. I am sure Gizmo and all the others have welcomed this new arrival with open paws.
Hello Hershey and Kaci
I am vewy sad to heaw of youw loss... He looks like a bootiful, sweet Doggie.
I think it's wondewful that the woofie you twied to adopt leawned that hoomans can cawe and love , even if it was too showt. It's not the length of time that mattews.
I'm sendingall of you smoochie kisses to dwy youw teaws and sadness
We are so very sorry to hear about Bailey! What a handsome dog!
Our thoughts and prayers go out to your family.
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
thank woo for joining my bloggie little dogs.. you 2 look like my little cousins Sophie and Shyanne have you seen them on my blog. I'd post pictures of them on my sidebar but IDK HOW and moms tried too...
anywoof... we're sad to hear about Bailey... R.I.P. doggy... you are missed by lots that didn't even know you... we'll meet you some day... other side of that Rainbow Bridge just remember that..
nice kisses
On no, we are sorry to hear about Bailey. The photo is lovely taken last Christmas.
Hugs to you all.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
we are very sorry to hear about poor Bailey. now there is another angel in heaven. please give your Grandma special hugs for us, okay?
sad woofs.
Hi Hershey and Kaci,
I am so sorry to hear about Bailey.
Our thoughs and prayers are with you and your family.
I am so sorry to hear about Bailey.
Your family is in our thoughts.
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Oh we are so sorry to hear about Bailey..We send you and all the legged ones big hugs and kisses and know that Bailey is now playing with some great kids over the bridge right now...Love and kisses A+A
w00fs my girlfriends, me not no how me missed this..me iz sorry to hear this sad news...mayb Bailey iz playin wiff Lacylulu now...ooo me sended piksurs of us all to attend Scooby and Ladys wedding, me hopes u not mind..
b safe,
pps RIP Bailey, run with the wind, u will b missed and our thoughts iz wiff all of u..
Really very sorry to hear about Bailey...run free, Bailey! We'll see you soon. Please pass some hugs from us to your family!
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