Friday, September 28, 2012

Check out this video

Hi, everyone -

Mama was doing the daily clicks at the animal rescue site and found this video.  The link below takes you to You Tube directly:

Bernese mountain dogs going for a walk

Have a good weekend, everyone!

Love -

Hershey and Kaci


Duke said...

What an adorable video! Thank you for sharing it!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

HOPE said...

Thank you for stopping by and for the kind comment for my soldier son in law home safe.

Your precious Schnauzers are adorable..

my GUS is black and has a pinch of white on his chest like a tuxs..

our Heidi passed on a few yeara ago she was salt and pepper. Your pics remind me of her soo much.

Schnauzers for me..are the GREATEST dogs in the world!!

God bless

Asta said...

Hewshey and Kaci
It's so gweat to heew fwom you
Sometimes I feel so faw away fwom evewyone since I had to move to Boo da's so lovely to know my fwiends still wemembew me. I's gweat to heew you bwush yoow teefs too. Makes ouw bweafs sweet and toofies last. I hope the two of you have a wondewful visit togethew in the bootiful fall new englands
Smoochie kisses